
October 14, 2015

If you are considering voting Liberal on October 19th...

Polling suggests our federal election could be close, very close, and many Canadians are now giving consideration to voting Liberal as a way of unseating Stephen Harper and the Conservatives.


Consider for a moment the following:

  • Justin Trudeau and the Liberals support Bill C-51. Just like Stephen Harper.
  • The Liberals support Keystone XL and expansion of pipelines in Canada. Just like the Conservatives.
  • Justin Trudeau supports the Trans Pacific Partnership. Again, just like the Conservatives.

Ever since Confederation our country has elected only Conservative or Liberal governments. Often they've worked together to maintain the status quo as in the case of Bill C-51. If we keep repeating the past, when will we ever see real, progressive change in this country?

This election is still up for grabs and indicators are that BC could decide the next government. Change will happen. Real change will happen if we elect New Democrats.

Copyright 2015 by Jim Murray.

October 09, 2015

Bob Zimmer, Conservative MP, should withdraw. Now.

The incumbent MP for the Northern B.C. Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies riding, Bob Zimmer, made these comments at an all-candidates meeting in Fort St. John earlier this week.

"One of the major drivers of missing and murdered aboriginal women is the lack of economic activity, or simply put, the lack of a job. … Ultimately, when people have a job, they're not in despair. They can stay on reserve, and that's where we want them to be." 
And that's where we want them to be?

The Grand Chief and president of The Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Stewart Phillip, responded;
"Aboriginal women and communities were shocked, outraged and deeply offended by Mr. Zimmer's derogatory remarks towards women, Astonishingly, Mr. Zimmer's simplistic solution to one of Canada's most disgraceful and profound abuse of human rights issues, concerning missing and murdered aboriginal women and girls, is that aboriginal women should stay home, stay on the rez, and get a job."
Bob Zimmer should withdraw from his re-election campaign.

Tell Mr Zimmer what you think by calling his office at 250-787-2160 or by email to Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca

Copyright 2015 by Jim Murray.

Tom Mulcair in Surrey

It was an early morning rally for Thomas Mulcair in Surrey on Wednesday, October 7. People were walking the oval at the Surrey Arts Centre and the trees were beautiful in the morning sun.

When I arrived at 7:30 some people had been standing in line for an hour, and with all the media, handlers and candidates, there was no way we were all going to get into this building. Not that that's a bad thing... the optics are better if it's standing room only.

The media bus

Many of us did make it into the building and were herded into a room slightly removed from the main action. This wasn't going to work so I manoeuvred myself back into the auditorium to be with my people: the journos and camera guys.

Finally, much after the designated start time of 8:00, former premier of British Columbia, Mike Harcourt, provided a spirited introduction to Tom Mulcair.

It then became a scripted affair. Tom was excellent of course, in both official languages, but at this stage of a campaign these things tend to be message tracked. In many ways, the crowd is a backdrop for the media coverage. We know this, yet so many of us want to be a part of it, even if it means arriving at 6:30 in the morning.

Security agent at far left.

One thing that stood out was the security presence. When I first met Tom Mulcair at an event at Kwantlen University in Richmond in February 2014, there might have been one staff person with him, and no evidence of security.

I counted at least eight agents, and while they can be identified by their green lapel badges, they tend to stand out anyway. During the event, an agent stood at each of four doors; if  someone left the building they weren't allowed back in. Inside, three agents watched the crowd. Another agent spent the entire time watching Tom. If he moved, her eyes followed, and when he left the building she followed close by, and again nearly always watching the candidate.

Security agent with lapel badge, and another at extreme right.

Watching. Always watching.

Somewhat later than expected, Tom Mulcair left the building, shaking hands, hugging friends, and taking time for all the photos that have become a big part of this campaign. His security detail seemed to be used to it, though not entirely comfortable either.

People, of all ages and all stages in life, want to have their photos taken with the Leader, and Tom, though obviously tired from the long campaign, and his handlers, had patience and time enough for everyone.

Even Mike Harcourt got into the photo action. No security agents needed.

Tom Mulcair's final campaign rally in MetroVancouver will be on Saturday, October 17, 12:30 pm at the Vancouver Convention Centre (West Building). 

We're all in this together.

Photos by Jeem. Copyright 2015 by Jim Murray.