
September 13, 2013

Surfing at Long Beach

There is much standing around while surfing. Or so it appears.

Is this wave right? Or should I wait for the next one?

Kind of like finding the right parking space. Should I drive around a bit more? Oh damn. I should have taken the one back there.

For the little time spent riding the wave, much more is spent waiting. And waiting. It seems to be worth it.

Photos by Jim Murray. Copyright 2013.

September 09, 2013

Remembering 9/11 ~ the other one

September 11th is a day to remember. It was the day the US overthrew a democratically elected government in Chile in 1973.

Salvador Allende had led a ramshackle group of leftist parties to victory three years earlier in 1970. There was no dispute about the election, it was fair in every way. The rich landowners and business people were less than enthusiastic. Nor was the White House of Richard Nixon.

The US led a vicious campaign of disinformation against Allende from the day of his election, pouring millions of dollars into the effort. Ultimately the CIA and the Chilean military conspired to conduct a coup against the Chilean presidency. Allende was killed and over the next few weeks and months and years, thousands more were killed or disappeared. The junta lasted seventeen years.

We should never forget what happened on September 11th.  

Copyright 2013 by Jim Murray.

A recent movie from Chile highlights some of that horror
and the victory of Chilean democracy all those years later. 
Read my post about the film: No here.

September 08, 2013

More Touch Wood at VanDusen Gardens

Visitors and giant brushes. The Touch Wood exhibit, now in final days, is an inviting collection, and as summer gives way to autumn the views are constantly changing.

The Last of the Giants, by Steve Paterson and Janice Wood depicts the industry that originally built this province and created many fortunes, including that of the namesake for VanDusen Gardens. The installation is made of steel, rebar, steel mesh, stucco and moss.

Photos by Jim Murray. Copyright 2013.